Package 'ggblanket'

Title: Simplify 'ggplot2' Visualisation
Description: Simplify 'ggplot2' visualisation with 'ggblanket' wrapper functions.
Authors: David Hodge [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: David Hodge <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 11.0.0
Built: 2024-11-22 04:26:00 UTC

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A colour aesthetic for contrast


A colour aesthetic to contrast with a fill aesthetic. Can be spliced into ggplot2::aes with rlang::!!!.


aes_colour_contrast(..., dark = "#121B24FF", light = "#FFFFFFFF")



Provided to force user argument naming etc.


A dark colour.


A light colour.


A ggplot2 aesthetic




penguins |>
  count(species, sex) |>
    x = sex,
    y = n,
    col = species,
    label = n,
    position = position_dodge(preserve = "single"),
    width = 0.75,
    x_labels = \(x) str_to_sentence(x),
  ) +
    mapping = aes_colour_contrast(),
    position = position_dodge(width = 0.75, preserve = "single"),
    vjust = 1.33,
    show.legend = FALSE,

penguins |>
  count(species, sex) |>
    x = sex,
    y = n,
    col = species,
    position = position_dodge(preserve = "single"),
    width = 0.75,
    x_labels = \(x) str_to_sentence(x),
    mode = dark_mode_r(),
  ) +
    mapping = aes(label = n, !!!aes_colour_contrast(dark = darkness[3], light = darkness[1])),
    position = position_dodge(width = 0.75, preserve = "single"),
    vjust = 1.33,
    show.legend = FALSE,

Lighten/darken a colour/fill aesthetic


Lighten/darken a colour/fill aesthetic based on a

  • aes_colour_darken() Darken a colour aesthetic, relative to a fill aesthetic

  • aes_colour_lighten() Lighten a colour aesthetic, relative to the fill aesthetic

  • aes_fill_darken() Darken a fill aesthetic, relative to a colour aesthetic

  • aes_fill_lighten() Lighten a fill aesthetic, relative to the colour aesthetic Can be spliced into ggplot2::aes with rlang::!!!.


aes_colour_darken(..., amount = 0.1)

aes_colour_lighten(..., amount = 0.1)

aes_fill_darken(..., amount = 0.1)

aes_fill_lighten(..., amount = 0.1)



Other arguments passed to colorspace::darken()/colorspace::lighten().


Numeric specifying the amount of lightening or darkening.


A ggplot2 aesthetic



  alpha_recursive = 1,

penguins |>
    y = species,
    col = island,
    mapping = aes_colour_darken(amount = 0.2),
    width = 0.75,

penguins |>
  y = species,
  col = island,
  mapping = aes(!!!aes_colour_darken(amount = 0.2)),
  width = 0.75,

A blue colour


A blue colour.




A character vector.



Dark mode theme family


A dark mode family of functions:

  • dark_mode_r() with legend on right

  • dark_mode_t() with legend on top

  • dark_mode_b() with legend on bottom


  base_size = 11,
  base_family = "",
  base_colour = "#C8D7DFFF",
  axis_line_colour = "#C8D7DFFF",
  axis_line_linewidth = 0.33,
  axis_ticks_colour = axis_line_colour,
  axis_ticks_linewidth = axis_line_linewidth,
  panel_grid_colour = "#00040AFF",
  panel_grid_linewidth = 1.33,
  panel_background_fill = "#050D1BFF",
  plot_background_fill = "#00040AFF",
  legend_axis_line_colour = plot_background_fill,
  legend_axis_line_linewidth = 0.33,
  legend_background_fill = plot_background_fill,
  legend_key_fill = plot_background_fill,
  legend_ticks_colour = legend_axis_line_colour,
  legend_ticks_linewidth = legend_axis_line_linewidth,
  legend_ticks_length = ggplot2::rel(c(0.175, 0))

  base_size = 11,
  base_family = "",
  base_colour = "#C8D7DFFF",
  axis_line_colour = "#C8D7DFFF",
  axis_line_linewidth = 0.33,
  axis_ticks_colour = axis_line_colour,
  axis_ticks_linewidth = axis_line_linewidth,
  panel_grid_colour = "#00040AFF",
  panel_grid_linewidth = 1.33,
  panel_background_fill = "#050D1BFF",
  plot_background_fill = "#00040AFF",
  legend_axis_line_colour = plot_background_fill,
  legend_axis_line_linewidth = 0.33,
  legend_background_fill = plot_background_fill,
  legend_key_fill = plot_background_fill,
  legend_ticks_colour = legend_axis_line_colour,
  legend_ticks_linewidth = legend_axis_line_linewidth,
  legend_ticks_length = ggplot2::rel(c(0.175, 0))

  base_size = 11,
  base_family = "",
  base_colour = "#C8D7DFFF",
  axis_line_colour = "#C8D7DFFF",
  axis_line_linewidth = 0.33,
  axis_ticks_colour = axis_line_colour,
  axis_ticks_linewidth = axis_line_linewidth,
  panel_grid_colour = "#00040AFF",
  panel_grid_linewidth = 1.33,
  panel_background_fill = "#050D1BFF",
  plot_background_fill = "#00040AFF",
  legend_axis_line_colour = plot_background_fill,
  legend_axis_line_linewidth = 0.33,
  legend_background_fill = plot_background_fill,
  legend_key_fill = plot_background_fill,
  legend_ticks_colour = legend_axis_line_colour,
  legend_ticks_linewidth = legend_axis_line_linewidth,
  legend_ticks_length = ggplot2::rel(c(0.175, 0))



Provided to force user argument naming etc.


The base size of the text theme element. Defaults to 11.


The base family of the text theme element. Defaults to "".


The base colour of the text theme element.


The colour of the axis.line theme element.


The linewidth of the axis.line theme element.


The colour of the axis.ticks theme element.


The linewidth of the axis.ticks theme element.


The colour of the panel.grid theme element.


The linewidth of the panel.grid theme element.


The fill (and colour) of the panel.background theme element.


The fill (and colour) of the plot.background theme element.


The colour of the legend.axis.line theme element.


The linewidth of the legend.axis.line theme element.


The fill (and colour) of the legend.background theme element.


The fill (and colour) of the legend.key theme element.


The colour of the legend.ticks theme element.


The linewidth of the legend.ticks theme element.


The legend.ticks.length theme element.


A ggplot theme.




penguins |>
    x = flipper_length_mm,
    y = body_mass_g,
    col = species,
    mode = dark_mode_r()

 penguins |>
    x = flipper_length_mm,
    y = body_mass_g,
    col = species,
    mode = dark_mode_t()

 penguins |>
    x = flipper_length_mm,
    y = body_mass_g,
    col = species,
    mode = dark_mode_b()

Area ggplot


Create an area ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_area().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "align",
  position = "stack",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




economics |>
    x = date,
    y = unemploy,
    y_label = "Unemployment",

Bar ggplot


Create a bar ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_bar().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "count",
  position = "stack",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




penguins |>
    y = species,
    width = 0.75,

Bin_2d ggplot


Create a bin2d ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_bin_2d().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "bin2d",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




diamonds |>
    x = carat,
    y = price,

Blanket ggplot


Create a blanket ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + layer() with geom_blank() defaults. This function underlies all other ⁠gg_*⁠ functions. It contains a geom argument for maximum flexibility.


  data = NULL,
  geom = "blank",
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = NULL,
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A geometric object to display the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Geom subclass object minus the Geom prefix (e.g. "point").


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




penguins %>%
    geom = "violin",
    stat = "ydensity",
    position = "dodge",
    x = species,
    y = body_mass_g,
    col = sex,

Boxplot ggplot


Create a boxplot ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_boxplot().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "boxplot",
  position = "dodge2",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




penguins |>
    x = flipper_length_mm,
    y = species,
    col = sex,

Col ggplot


Create a col ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_col().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "stack",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




penguins |>
  tidyr::drop_na(sex) |>
  group_by(sex, species) |>
  summarise(across(flipper_length_mm, \(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))) |>
    x = flipper_length_mm,
    y = species,
    col = sex,
    position = position_dodge(preserve = "single"),
    width = 0.75,

Contour ggplot


Create a contour ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_contour().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "contour",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




ggplot2::faithfuld |>
    x = waiting,
    y = eruptions,
    z = density,

Contour_filled ggplot


Create a contour_filled ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_contour_filled().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "contour_filled",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




faithfuld |>
    x = waiting,
    y = eruptions,
    z = density,
    bins = 8,

Crossbar ggplot


Create a crossbar ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_crossbar().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




  trt = factor(c(1, 1, 2, 2)),
  resp = c(1, 5, 3, 4),
  group = factor(c(1, 2, 1, 2)),
  upper = c(1.1, 5.3, 3.3, 4.2),
  lower = c(0.8, 4.6, 2.4, 3.6)
) |>
    x = trt,
    y = resp,
    ymin = lower,
    ymax = upper,
    col = group,
    width = 0.5,
    x_label = "Treatment",
    y_label = "Response",

Density ggplot


Create a density ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_density().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "density",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




penguins |>
    x = flipper_length_mm,
    col = species,

Density_2d ggplot


Create a density_2d ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_density_2d().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "density_2d",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




faithful |>
    x = waiting,
    y = eruptions,
    bins = 8,
    contour = TRUE,

Density_2d_filled ggplot


Create a density_2d_filled ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_density_2d_filled().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "density_2d_filled",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




faithful |>
    x = waiting,
    y = eruptions,
    bins = 8,
    contour = TRUE,

Errorbar ggplot


Create a errorbar ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_errorbar().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




  trt = factor(c(1, 1, 2, 2)),
  resp = c(1, 5, 3, 4),
  group = factor(c(1, 2, 1, 2)),
  upper = c(1.1, 5.3, 3.3, 4.2),
  lower = c(0.8, 4.6, 2.4, 3.6)
) |>
    x = trt,
    ymin = lower,
    ymax = upper,
    col = group,
    width = 0.1,
    x_label = "Treatment",
    y_label = "Response",

Freqpoly ggplot


Create a freqpoly ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_freqpoly().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "bin",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




penguins |>
    x = flipper_length_mm,
    col = sex,

Function ggplot


Create a function ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_function().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "function",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




  fun = \(x) dnorm(x, mean = 0, sd = 5),
  x_expand_limits = qnorm(p = c(0.005, 0.995), mean = 0, sd = 5),
  y_expand_limits = 0,

Hex ggplot


Create a hex ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_hex().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "binhex",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




diamonds |>
    x = carat,
    y = price,

Histogram ggplot


Create a histogram ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_histogram().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "bin",
  position = "stack",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




penguins |>
    x = flipper_length_mm,
    col = sex,
    bins = 50,

Jitter ggplot


Create a jitter ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_jitter().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "jitter",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.





penguins |>
    x = species,
    y = body_mass_g,
    col = flipper_length_mm,
    position = position_jitter(height = 0),
    y_expand_limits = 0,
    col_steps = TRUE,

Label ggplot


Create a label ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_label().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




  mtcars |> slice_min(order_by = mpg),
  mtcars |> slice_max(order_by = mpg)
) |>
  tibble::rownames_to_column("model") |>
    x = model,
    y = mpg,
    col = mpg,
    label = model,
    y_expand_limits = 0,
    y_label = "Miles per gallon",
    col_palette = c(orange, "white", teal),

Line ggplot


Create a line ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_line().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




economics |>
    x = date,
    y = unemploy,
    y_expand_limits = 0,
    y_label = "Unemployment",

Linerange ggplot


Create a linerange ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_linerange().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




  trt = factor(c(1, 1, 2, 2)),
  resp = c(1, 5, 3, 4),
  group = factor(c(1, 2, 1, 2)),
  upper = c(1.1, 5.3, 3.3, 4.2),
  lower = c(0.8, 4.6, 2.4, 3.6)
) |>
    x = trt,
    ymin = lower,
    ymax = upper,
    col = group,
    position = position_dodge(width = 0.2),
    x_label = "Treatment",
    y_label = "Response",

Path ggplot


Create a path ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_path().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




economics |>
  mutate(unemploy_rate = unemploy / pop) |>
    x = unemploy_rate,
    y = psavert,
    x_label = "Unemployment rate",
    y_expand_limits = 0,
    y_label = "Personal savings rate",

Point ggplot


Create a point ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_point().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




penguins |>
    x = flipper_length_mm,
    y = body_mass_g,
    col = species,

Pointrange ggplot


Create a pointrange ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_pointrange().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




  trt = factor(c(1, 1, 2, 2)),
  resp = c(1, 5, 3, 4),
  group = factor(c(1, 2, 1, 2)),
  upper = c(1.1, 5.3, 3.3, 4.2),
  lower = c(0.8, 4.6, 2.4, 3.6)
) |>
    x = trt,
    y = resp,
    col = group,
    ymin = lower,
    ymax = upper,
    position = position_dodge(width = 0.2),
    x_label = "Treatment",
    y_label = "Response",

Polygon ggplot


Create a polygon ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_polygon().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




ids <- factor(c("1.1", "2.1", "1.2", "2.2", "1.3", "2.3"))

values <- data.frame(
  id = ids,
  value = c(3, 3.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.15, 3.5)

positions <- data.frame(
  id = rep(ids, each = 4),
  x = c(
    2, 1, 1.1, 2.2, 1, 0, 0.3, 1.1, 2.2, 1.1, 1.2, 2.5, 1.1, 0.3,
    0.5, 1.2, 2.5, 1.2, 1.3, 2.7, 1.2, 0.5, 0.6, 1.3
  y = c(
    -0.5, 0, 1, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 1.5, 1, 0.5, 1, 2.1, 1.7, 1, 1.5,
    2.2, 2.1, 1.7, 2.1, 3.2, 2.8, 2.1, 2.2, 3.3, 3.2

datapoly <- merge(values, positions, by = c("id"))

datapoly |>
    x = x,
    y = y,
    col = value,
    group = id,

Qq ggplot


Create a qq ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_qq().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "qq",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




penguins |>
    sample = body_mass_g,
    facet = species,
    coord = coord_cartesian(clip = "on"),
  ) +

Quantile ggplot


Create an quantile ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_quantile().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "quantile",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.


if (requireNamespace("quantreg", quietly = TRUE)) {


  penguins |>
      x = flipper_length_mm,
      y = body_mass_g,

Raster ggplot


Create a raster ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_raster().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




faithfuld |>
    x = waiting,
    y = eruptions,
    col = density,

Rect ggplot


Create a rect ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_rect().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




  x = rep(c(2, 5, 7, 9, 12), 2),
  y = rep(c(1, 2), each = 5),
  z = factor(c(rep(1:4, each = 2), 5, NA)),
  w = rep(diff(c(0, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14)), 2)
) |>
    xmin = x - w / 2,
    xmax = x + w / 2,
    ymin = y,
    ymax = y + 1
  ) |>
    xmin = xmin,
    xmax = xmax,
    ymin = ymin,
    ymax = ymax,
    col = z,

Ribbon ggplot


Create a ribbon ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_ribbon()


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




data.frame(year = 1875:1972, level = as.vector(LakeHuron)) |>
  mutate(level_min = level - 1, level_max = level + 1) |>
    x = year,
    ymin = level_min,
    ymax = level_max,
    x_labels = \(x) x,
    y_label = "Level",
  ) +
  geom_line(mapping = aes(y = level))

Rug ggplot


Create a rug ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_rug().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




penguins |>
    x = flipper_length_mm,
    y = body_mass_g,
    col = species,

Segment ggplot


Create a segment ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_segment().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




data.frame(x1 = 2.62, x2 = 3.57, y1 = 21.0, y2 = 15.0) |>
    x = x1,
    xend = x2,
    y = y1,
    yend = y2,

Sf ggplot


Create a blank ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_sf().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "sf",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_sf(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




if (requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) {
  sf::st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf")) |>
      col = AREA,

Smooth ggplot


Create a smooth ggplot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_smooth().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "smooth",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




penguins |>
    x = flipper_length_mm,
    y = body_mass_g,
    col = species,

Step ggplot


Create a step plot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_step().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




economics |>
  filter(date > lubridate::ymd("2010-01-01")) |>
    x = date,
    y = unemploy,
    y_expand_limits = 0,
    y_label = "Unemployment",

Text ggplot


Create a text plot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_text().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




  mtcars |> slice_min(order_by = mpg),
  mtcars |> slice_max(order_by = mpg)
) |>
  tibble::rownames_to_column("model") |>
    x = model,
    y = mpg,
    col = mpg,
    label = model,
    y_expand_limits = 0,
    y_label = "Miles per gallon",
    col_palette = c(orange, "white", teal),

Tile ggplot


Create a tile plot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_tile().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




penguins |>
  group_by(species, sex) |>
  summarise(across(flipper_length_mm, \(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))) |>
    x = sex,
    y = species,
    col = flipper_length_mm,

Violin ggplot


Create a violin plot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_violin().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "ydensity",
  position = "dodge",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  mode_orientation = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_breaks_n = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  x_symmetric = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_breaks_n = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_position = "left",
  y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
  y_symmetric = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_breaks_n = 5,
  col_drop = FALSE,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_label = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_drop = FALSE,
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  label_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


The orientation of plot, which affects the theme components that are removed from the mode. Either "x" or "y".

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. ⁠scales::breaks_*()⁠), or a vector of breaks.

x_breaks_n, y_breaks_n, col_breaks_n

A number of desired breaks for when ⁠*_breaks = NULL⁠.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_label, y_label, col_label

Label for the axis or legend title. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or ⁠scales::label_*()⁠), or a vector of labels. (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_sec_axis, y_sec_axis

A secondary axis with ggplot2::dup_axis() or ggplot2::sec_axis().

x_symmetric, y_symmetric

TRUE or FALSE of whether a symmetric scale.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_drop, facet_drop

For a discrete variable, FALSE or TRUE of whether to drop unused levels.

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


A character vector of hex codes (or names) or a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


A hex code (or name) for the colour of NA values.


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format the default x_label, y_label and col_label of unlabelled variables. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




penguins |>
  tidyr::drop_na(sex) |>
    x = species,
    y = body_mass_g,
    col = sex,

A grey colour


A grey colour.




A character vector.



The jumble palette


A discrete palette that is relatively colour-blind safe.










A character vector.


colorspace::swatchplot(c(jumble, grey), cvd = TRUE)

Label every nth element


Label every nth element in a vector, and replace the rest with "".


label_every_nth(..., n = 2, offset = 0)



If numeric, arguments passed to the scales::comma function. Otherwise, arguments passed to format.


The increment of elements to hold as is. Defaults to 2.


An offset for which element to first hold. Defaults to 0. Possible values are -1 to (n - 2)


A labelling function


label_every_nth()(scales::comma(seq(1000, 5000, 1000)))
 label_every_nth()(lubridate::ymd(c("2021-01-01", "2022-01-01", "2023-01-01", "2024-01-01")))



 penguins |>
   mutate(across(sex, \(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x))) |>
     x = flipper_length_mm,
     y = body_mass_g,
     col = sex,
     x_labels = label_every_nth(),
     y_labels = label_every_nth(),

Light mode theme family


A dark mode family of functions:

  • light_mode_r() with legend on right

  • light_mode_t() with legend on top

  • light_mode_b() with legend on bottom


  base_size = 11,
  base_family = "",
  base_colour = "#121B24FF",
  axis_line_colour = "#121B24FF",
  axis_line_linewidth = 0.33,
  axis_ticks_colour = axis_line_colour,
  axis_ticks_linewidth = axis_line_linewidth,
  panel_grid_colour = "#F6F8FAFF",
  panel_grid_linewidth = 1.33,
  panel_background_fill = "#FFFFFFFF",
  plot_background_fill = "#FFFFFFFF",
  legend_axis_line_colour = plot_background_fill,
  legend_axis_line_linewidth = 0.33,
  legend_background_fill = plot_background_fill,
  legend_key_fill = plot_background_fill,
  legend_ticks_colour = legend_axis_line_colour,
  legend_ticks_linewidth = legend_axis_line_linewidth,
  legend_ticks_length = ggplot2::rel(c(0.175, 0))

  base_size = 11,
  base_family = "",
  base_colour = "#121B24FF",
  axis_line_colour = "#121B24FF",
  axis_line_linewidth = 0.33,
  axis_ticks_colour = axis_line_colour,
  axis_ticks_linewidth = axis_line_linewidth,
  panel_grid_colour = "#F6F8FAFF",
  panel_grid_linewidth = 1.33,
  panel_background_fill = "#FFFFFFFF",
  plot_background_fill = "#FFFFFFFF",
  legend_axis_line_colour = plot_background_fill,
  legend_axis_line_linewidth = 0.33,
  legend_background_fill = plot_background_fill,
  legend_key_fill = plot_background_fill,
  legend_ticks_colour = legend_axis_line_colour,
  legend_ticks_linewidth = legend_axis_line_linewidth,
  legend_ticks_length = ggplot2::rel(c(0.175, 0))

  base_size = 11,
  base_family = "",
  base_colour = "#121B24FF",
  axis_line_colour = "#121B24FF",
  axis_line_linewidth = 0.33,
  axis_ticks_colour = axis_line_colour,
  axis_ticks_linewidth = axis_line_linewidth,
  panel_grid_colour = "#F6F8FAFF",
  panel_grid_linewidth = 1.33,
  panel_background_fill = "#FFFFFFFF",
  plot_background_fill = "#FFFFFFFF",
  legend_axis_line_colour = plot_background_fill,
  legend_axis_line_linewidth = 0.33,
  legend_background_fill = plot_background_fill,
  legend_key_fill = plot_background_fill,
  legend_ticks_colour = legend_axis_line_colour,
  legend_ticks_linewidth = legend_axis_line_linewidth,
  legend_ticks_length = ggplot2::rel(c(0.175, 0))



Provided to force user argument naming etc.


The base size of the text theme element. Defaults to 11.


The base family of the text theme element. Defaults to "".


The base colour of the text theme element.


The colour of the axis.line theme element.


The linewidth of the axis.line theme element.


The colour of the axis.ticks theme element.


The linewidth of the axis.ticks theme element.


The colour of the panel.grid theme element.


The linewidth of the panel.grid theme element.


The fill (and colour) of the panel.background theme element.


The fill (and colour) of the plot.background theme element.


The colour of the legend.axis.line theme element.


The linewidth of the legend.axis.line theme element.


The fill (and colour) of the legend.background theme element.


The fill (and colour) of the legend.key theme element.


The colour of the legend.ticks theme element.


The linewidth of the legend.ticks theme element.


The legend.ticks.length theme element.


A ggplot theme.




penguins |>
    x = flipper_length_mm,
    y = body_mass_g,
    col = species,
    mode = light_mode_r()

penguins |>
    x = flipper_length_mm,
    y = body_mass_g,
    col = species,
    mode = light_mode_t()

penguins |>
    x = flipper_length_mm,
    y = body_mass_g,
    col = species,
    mode = light_mode_b()

Mode colour and linewidth defaults


lightness and darkness are vectors of 3 colours used in the ⁠*_mode_*⁠ themes for the for the text, axis.line (and axis.ticks), panel.grid, panel.background and plot.background etc.

linewidthness is a vector of 2 integers used in the ⁠*_mode_*⁠ themes for the linewidth of the axis.line (axis.ticks and legend.ticks) and panel.grid theme elements.






A character vector.


scales::show_col(c(lightness, darkness), ncol = 3)

Orientate a mode used outside of a ⁠gg_*⁠ context


Add theme components to a mode used outside of a ⁠gg_*⁠ context

  • mode_orientation_to_x() Orientate the plot to the x axis.

  • mode_orientation_to_y() Orientate the plot to the y axis.





ggplot2 theme components.



penguins |>
  ggplot() +
  geom_point(aes(x = flipper_length_mm, y = body_mass_g)) +
  light_mode_r() +

penguins |>
  ggplot() +
  geom_bar(aes(y = island)) +
  light_mode_r() +

Set a style


Weave the style by setting:

  1. the mode to be added with ⁠gg_*()⁠ side-effects

  2. the colour/fill geom default, and other defaults for text, reference line and curve geoms

  3. the col_palettes for discrete, continuous and ordinal colour/fill scales

  4. a theme to be added without ⁠gg_*()⁠ side-effects.

Alternatively, use the ⁠weave_*⁠ functions to only apply a subset of these. ggplot2::update_geom_defaults() can be used to further fine-tune geom defaults.


  mode = light_mode_r(),
  colour = "#357BA2FF",
  fill = colour,
  text_colour = "#121B24FF",
  text_size = 11/2.835052,
  text_family = "",
  reference_line_colour = "#121B24FF",
  reference_line_linewidth = 0.33,
  col_palette_d = jumble,
  col_palette_na_d = "#CDC5BFFF",
  col_palette_c = viridisLite::mako(n = 9, direction = -1),
  col_palette_na_c = "#988F88FF",
  col_palette_o = scales::pal_viridis(option = "G", direction = -1),
  col_palette_na_o = "#988F88FF",
  theme = light_mode_r() + mode_orientation_to_x()



Provided to force user argument naming etc.


A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates ⁠gg_*⁠ side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.


A default hex colour for the colour of geoms (other than text or reference line geoms).


A default hex colour for the fill of geoms (other than text or reference line geoms).


A default hex colour for the colour (and fill) of the "text" and "label" geoms.


A default size for the "text" and "label" geoms.


A default family for the "text" and "label" geoms.


A default hex colour for the colour of the "hline", "vline", "abline" and "curve" geoms.


A default linewidth for the the "hline", "vline", "abline" and "curve" geoms.


For a discrete scale, a character vector of hex codes.


For a discrete scale, a hex code.


For a continuous scale, a character vector of hex codes.


For a continuous scale, a hex code.


For an ordinal scale, a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function.


For an ordinal scale, a hex code.


A ggplot2 theme that the ⁠gg_*⁠ function will add without side-effects if the mode is set/weaved to NULL (and also is applied to ggplot code outside of ggblanket).


A globally set style.



  mode = dark_mode_r(),
  colour = "#E7298AFF",
  text_colour = darkness[1],
  reference_line_colour = darkness[1],
  col_palette_d = c("#1B9E77FF", "#D95F02FF", "#7570b3FF", "#E7298AFF",
                    "#66A61EFF", "#E6AB02FF", "#A6761DFF", "#666666FF"),

penguins |>
    x = flipper_length_mm,
    y = body_mass_g,
  ) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 200) +
  annotate("text", x = I(0.25), y = I(0.75), label = "Here")

penguins |>
    x = flipper_length_mm,
    col = species,
  ) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 200) +
  annotate("text", x = I(0.75), y = I(0.75), label = "Here")

Set a discrete colour and fill palettes


Set a discrete colour and fill palettes


  col_palette_d = jumble,
  col_palette_c = viridisLite::mako(n = 9, direction = -1),
  col_palette_o = scales::pal_viridis(option = "G", direction = -1),
  col_palette_na_d = "#CDC5BFFF",
  col_palette_na_c = "#988F88FF",
  col_palette_na_o = "#988F88FF",



For a discrete scale, a character vector of hex codes. Use NULL for ggplot2 default.


For a continuous scale, a character vector of hex codes. Use NULL for ggplot2 default.


For an ordinal scale, a ⁠scales::pal_*()⁠ function. Use NULL for ggplot2 default.


For a discrete scale, a hex code.


For a continuous scale, a hex code.


For an ordinal scale, a hex code.


Dots to support trailing commas etc.

Set a series of geom defaults


Update the colour/fill geom default, and update other defaults for text and reference line geoms.

ggplot2::update_geom_defaults() can be used to further fine-tune geom defaults.


  colour = "#357BA2FF",
  fill = colour,
  text_colour = "#121B24FF",
  text_size = 11/2.835052,
  text_family = "",
  reference_line_colour = "#121B24FF",
  reference_line_linewidth = 0.33



A default hex colour for the colour of geoms (other than text or reference line geoms).


A default hex colour for the fill of geoms (other than text or reference line geoms).


A default hex colour for the colour (and fill) of the "text" and "label" geoms.


A default size for the "text" and "label" geoms.


A default family for the "text" and "label" geoms.


A default hex colour for the colour of the "hline", "vline", "abline" and "curve" geoms.


A default linewidth for the the "hline", "vline", "abline" and "curve" geoms.

Set a mode


Set a mode for the mode argument in ⁠gg_*⁠ functions.


weave_mode(mode = light_mode_r())



A ggplot2 theme (e.g. light_mode_t() or dark_mode_r()) that anticipates ⁠gg_*⁠ side-effects of removing relevant axis line/ticks and gridlines per the mode_orientation.

Set a theme (without side-effects)


Set a theme to be +-ed on unmodified to ⁠gg_*⁠ functions. Note, the mode takes precedence, unless the set/weaved mode is mode = NULL.


weave_theme(theme = light_mode_r() + mode_orientation_to_x())



A ggplot2 theme that the ⁠gg_*⁠ function will add without side-effects if the mode is set/weaved to NULL (and also is applied to ggplot code outside of ggblanket).